Pelvic Health Physiotherapy.

Where Holistic Care, Empowerment, and Evidence-Based Solutions redefine Pelvic Health.
Physiotherapy is the leading conservative treatment for
pelvic health conditions.
We are here to work with you to create effective and long-lasting solutions for your bladder, bowel, prolapse or pelvic pain conditions.
These conditions are more common than you think!
Pelvic Health is not specific to any gender, race or age. The ability to access timely and exceptional care will improve quality of life.
How to Refer
Patients do not need a referral to attend Pelviology. However, we believe that coordinated care improves outcomes.
Frequently Asked Questions
When you are thinking about coming to see a physiotherapist, you may have lots of questions. We have outlined some of the common ones to ensure you feel confident with your care team.

pel·vi·ol·o·gy [ˈpelv-ī-ä-lə-jē]:
a branch of knowledge that deals with the pelvis and vital processes.