Frequently asked questions
Is there always a physical assessment?
No. A physical assessment is only completed if necessary an explanation of the procedure, other options for assessment and your informed consent will be sought before any assessment is undertaken.
It is your choice to have someone else present if you wish. You also have the right at each appointment to decline or limit assessment.
Do you accept GP Management Plans (Enhanced primary care (EPC))?
Yes. Persistent pelvic pain and incontinence are considered chronic conditions and are eligible for a GP management plan. This will need to be organised by you with your GP prior to your visit to claim. It is important to understand that only your GP will decide whether you are eligible to receive a GP management plan. This can also be started at any point during your physiotherapy treatment.
The Medicare rebate allows you to subsidise some of the appointment cost for 5 sessions each calendar year. It cannot be used to claim with Private Health Insurance at the same visit.
Do I need a referral?
No. Physiotherapists in Australia are first-line practitioners and you do not need a referral.
However, a doctor’s referral IS required if you are accessing our services as part of a GP management plan, or a Work Cover or Department of Veterans Affair program. Please ensure this is either provided prior to your appointment or you can bring this paperwork to your appointment.
What happens if I’m late for my appointment or miss it?
To respect the time of others attending the clinic, if you arrive late your remaining treatment time may be limited.
In the event of a late notice cancellation (within 24 hours) 50% of the consultation fee may be applied. A failure to attend an appointment will be treated in the same way as a late notice cancellation. Pre-payment may also be required for future appointments.
Can I claim on private health insurance?
Yes. Physiotherapy services may be claimable through the extras cover of your private health insurance. The amount of rebate available varies considerably so please check with your provider if concerned prior to your appointment.
At each appointment you must pay the full fee for the service and we will submit your Medicare claim or private health insurance claim electronically for you. Your Medicare rebate will then be deposited directly into your bank account. If you are not setup for electronic rebates, we can give you a receipt to claim through Medicare manually.
It is important to understand that you will still be out of pocket for a ‘gap’ amount.
What is the cost of an appointment?
All Initial appointments provide a detailed assessment and outline of treatment.
Specialist Physiotherapist - $285
Advanced Physiotherapist - $245
Follow-up Appointment costs depend on the length of time needed and complexity of condition as planned with you at your initial appointment.
Specialist Physiotherapist:
Complex care $255
Review $170
Advanced Physiotherapist:
Complex care $245
Review $170
EFTPOS claiming and all major credit cards and debit cards accepted. Amex is not accepted.
How long is an appointment?
Please allow 60 minutes for each initial appointment (online or in-person) to allow us time to cover a detailed history, outline the condition, assess and to provide initial management. Our physiotherapists also provide reports as part of your treatment when required and this will form part of the consultation time.
As we believe strongly in providing high-level care and many of our patients have complex needs, most of our follow-up appointments are 60 minutes. The length of follow-up appointments and frequency are discussed following an initial appointment and depend on the treatment plan and goals that we have developed.
What is informed consent?
Informed consent refers to every patient's right to be informed about their condition, and the risks and benefits of assessment and treatment options. Any treatment requires shared decision making.
We will actively listen and ask you for your input as to the treatment options you would like to choose. We will outline the condition and all treatment and assessment options. The risks, limitations and benefits of each mode of assessment and treatment are discussed and agreed to prior to commencing.
Prior to your first visit, you will receive information questions and a consent form. This allows you to provide us with as much or as little information as you feel comfortable with.
You can return your completed information questions and consent form via email prior to your appointment time or bring the completed copy with you to your appointment.
Are my records kept private and confidential?
Physiotherapists are registered practitioners with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and are subject to the privacy principles of the Privacy Act 1988, the Australian Privacy Principles (2014) and the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics of the Australian Physiotherapy Association.
This practice has systems in place to protect the security of your health records. They are kept in a secure location and no unauthorised person has access to them. Any email correspondence is saved to the secure practice management record and then deleted. Any disclosure of information to another health provider (or referrer) is only made if appropriate and with your consent.
Destruction of records usually occurs when they are no longer needed. For medico-legal reasons, we are required to maintain records for some time, even if you no longer attend the clinic.
You can review our privacy policy, or the terms and conditions.
Should I cancel if I have my period?
No. There is no need to cancel due to your period. However, we will discuss what level of examination you are comfortable having on the day. For some women, a review when your pain is at its worse can help us identify the best strategies to give you relief.
What clothes should I bring or wear?
It is useful to bring or wear loose fitting clothing to allow an accurate assessment of the muscles and structures around the pelvis. For example, a pair of shorts is helpful for this.
An internal assessment may require you to remove your clothing but suitable coverings are always provided.
I’m not having any problems during my pregnancy, should I still see a physio?
That’s great! Physiotherapy during pregnancy is still beneficial to ensure you maintain your healthy habits and also to provide information and advice about your individual risk factors for birth.
If you are having no concerns, I recommend the minimum of a pregnancy review early in the second trimester (between week 12 to 20), at 32 weeks and again at 6 weeks post-birth.
Can I bring my baby or children to the appointment?
We understand that it is often necessary to bring newborns or little children to the appointment and we will work around assessments as best we can to support you in this way. It can also be useful to bring a support person with you to allow appropriate time to complete any assessment.
Please note that children always remain the responsibility of their parent/s during your visit.
Can I bring someone with me?
Yes. As the focus is always on your comfort, confidentiality and safety, you may bring someone to the appointment if you wish.
Before any assessment, we will ask if you want them present or for them to leave.
Who can I contact if I still have questions?
We encourage you to contact us directly at info@pelviology.com.au.
What do I do if I’m unwell?
If you are unwell please DO NOT attend your appointment. You can reschedule or convert to an online appointment. I also recommend organising an appointment with your GP to review your symptoms.