Bladder health
Physiotherapy is internationally recognised as first-line treatment.
Urinary incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine.
There are several types of incontinence and success with treatment requires correct diagnosis. Your physiotherapist can accurately assess and determine your type of incontinence and if further investigations are required.
Men and women can develop urinary incontinence. In men, prostate cancer surgery is a leading cause of developing incontinence.
Studies consistently show that the rate of success from supervised and targeted training for stress incontinence is over 70%.
Not always are bladder problems about leakage. Other bladder problems are also common, like painful voiding or frequency and urgency.
As well as improving the function of the pelvic floor muscles, physiotherapy also includes lifestyle changes, strategies to improve toileting habits and address risk factors such as weight, constipation and other modifiable dietary factors.