Dr Joanne Bullock-Saxton is a senior musculoskeletal physiotherapist with a long standing passion and interest in Women’s Health. Joanne has a special interest in managing pelvic pain in women of all ages, as well as skills in incontinence and prolapse management. She takes a holistic approach to managing pain with excellence in the complexities of pelvic pain and migraine.
She is an accomplished manual therapist with an interest in muscle function, pain, posture and therapeutic exercise. Working in the field of physiotherapy for over 38 years, Joanne has contributed widely to the health of women, focussing on empowering them to manage pain, improve function and quality of life.
Joanne has numerous peer reviewed women’s health publications as well as being invited to edit and contribute to Womens’ Health: A Textbook for Physiotherapists, a text that has been among the most widely referred to by the profession since publication.
Joanne is an avid artist and sculptor.